- Autovectorization
- Wire up the basics
- identify key problems with VLA style autovec – these turn until future work items
- Distro Blocker Items (atomics now, stack-clash at some point, then shadow stacks)
- Wrapping up many in-flight optimizations from various RISE members and others
- Work landing in the trunk during Q2/Q3 of 2023 won't show up in official release until Q2 2024!
- Provide collaboration branch for various organizations that need a stable base (ie gcc-13) with optimization work such as autovec layered on top
- Major work for gcc-14 needs to be complete by mid Oct – avoid a repeat of having key feature work going on during release cycle
- Autovectorization
- Basics already in place
- More a focus on identifying and fixing missed vectorizations and VLA style vectorization
- Distro Blocker Items (atomics, shadow stacks, perhaps stack clash at some point