RVA23 Profile
The RVA23 profiles are intended to be used for 64-bit application processors that will run rich OS stacks from standard binary OS distributions and with a substantial number of third-party binary user applications that will be supported over a considerable length of time in the field. The approach is to provide a large guaranteed set of features that can safely be exploited by third-party developers to ship binaries that will provide a better experience across a large number of alternative implementations over time. It is explicitly a non-goal of RVA23 to allow more hardware implementation flexibility by supporting only a minimal set of features.
Only user-mode (RVA23U64) and supervisor-mode (RVA23S64) profiles are specified in this family.
Profile Ext. Name | Supervisor Detection | Kernel HWPROBE | KVM ONE_REG | Kernel Version | KVM Version | Comments |
RVA22U64 Mandatory | ||||||
M | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-5.x | Linux-5.x |
A | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-5.x | Linux-5.x |
F | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-5.x | Linux-5.x |
D | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-5.x | Linux-5.x |
C | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-5.x | Linux-5.x |
B | ISA String | NA | NA |
| Bundle of extensions: Zba, Zbb, and Zbs |
Zicsr | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.6 | Implied by F |
Zicntr | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.6 | Mandatory for Linux RISC-V |
Zihpm | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.6 | Separate ioctl() available for user-space HPM access |
Ziccif | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Does this need HWPROBE support ? |
Ziccrse | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.14 | Does this need HWPROBE support ? |
Ziccamoa | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Does this need HWPROBE support ? |
Zicclsm | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Does this need HWPROBE support ? |
Za64rs | ISA String | NA | NA |
Zihintpause | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.10 | Linux-6.1 |
Zba | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.5 | Linux-6.6 | Implied by B |
Zbb | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.3 | Linux-6.4 | Implied by B |
Zbs | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.5 | Linux-6.6 | Implied by B |
Zic64b | ISA String | NA | NA |
| HWPROBE and KVM ONE_REG will have separate attributes for Zicbom, Zicbop, and Zicboz block size |
Zicbom | ISA String | TBD | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.1 |
Zicbop | ISA String | TBD | TBD |
Zicboz | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.7 | Linux-6.4 |
Zfhmin | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zkt | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
RVA23U64 Mandatory | ||||||
V | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.5 | Linux-6.5 |
Zvfhmin | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zvbb | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zvkt | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zihintntl | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zicond | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.7 |
Zimop | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.11 | Linux-6.11 |
Zcmop | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.11 | Linux-6.11 |
Zcb | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.11 | Linux-6.11 |
Zfa | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zawrs | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.11 | Linux-6.11 |
Supm | ISA String | COMPLETED | NA | Linux-6.13 |
RVA23U64 Optional (Localized) | ||||||
Zvkng | ISA String | NA | NA |
| Bundle of extensions: Zvkn and Zvkg |
Zvksg | ISA String | NA | NA |
| Bundle of extensions: Zvks and Zvkg |
Zvkn | ISA String | NA | NA |
| Implied by Zvkng |
Zvks | ISA String | NA | NA |
| Implied by Zvksg |
Zvkned | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 | Implied by Zvkn |
Zvknhb | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 | Implied by Zvkn |
Zvkb | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 | Implied by Zvkn |
Zvkt | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 | Implied by Zvkn and Zvks |
Zvkg | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 | Implied by Zvkng and Zvksg |
Zvksed | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 | Implied by Zvks |
Zvksh | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 | Implied by Zvks |
Zvkb | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 | Implied by Zvks |
RVA23U64 Optional (Development) | ||||||
Zabha | ISA String | TBD | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.14 |
Zacas | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.9 |
Ziccamoc | ISA String | NA | NA |
Zvbc | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zama16b | ISA String | NA | NA |
RVA23U64 Optional (Expansion) | ||||||
Zfh | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zbc | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zicfilp | ISA String | NA | TBD |
Zicfiss | ISA String | NA | TBD |
Zvfh | ISA String | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.8 | Linux-6.8 |
Zfbfmin | ISA String | TBD | TBD |
Zvfbfmin | ISA String | TBD | TBD |
Zvfbfwma | ISA String | TBD | TBD |
RVA22S64 Mandatory | ||||||
Svbare | DeviceTree or ACPI | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.6 |
Sv39 | DeviceTree or ACPI | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.11 | Linux-6.6 | HWPROBE Key HIGHEST_VIRT_ADDRESS |
Svade | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.13 |
Ssccptr | ISA String | NA | NA |
| Does this need HWPROBE and KVM ONE_REG support ? |
Sstvecd | ISA String | NA | TBD |
Sstvala | ISA String | NA | TBD |
Sscounterenw | ISA String | NA | TBD |
Svpbmt | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-5.20 |
Svinval | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.1 |
RVA23S64 Mandatory | ||||||
Zifencei | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.6 | HWPROBE not required because mandatory for Linux |
Ss1p13 | ISA String | NA | NA |
| Does this need HWPROBE and KVM ONE_REG support ? |
Svnapot | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.5 |
Sstc | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.0 |
Sscofpmf | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.10 |
Ssnpm | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.13 |
Ssu64xl | ISA String | NA | TBD |
Sha | ISA String | NA | NA |
| The augmented hypervisor extension. |
H | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Implied by Sha |
Sstateen | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Implied by Sha |
Shcounterenw | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Implied by Sha |
Shvstvala | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Implied by Sha |
Shtvala | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Implied by Sha |
Shvstvecd | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Implied by Sha |
Shvsatpa | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Implied by Sha |
Shgatpa | ISA String | NA | TBD |
| Implied by Sha |
RVA22S64 Optional (Expansion) | ||||||
Sv48 | DeviceTree or ACPI | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.11 | Linux-6.6 | HWPROBE Key HIGHEST_VIRT_ADDRESS |
Sv57 | DeviceTree or ACPI | COMPLETED | COMPLETED | Linux-6.11 | Linux-6.6 | HWPROBE Key HIGHEST_VIRT_ADDRESS |
Zkr | ISA String | TBD | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.8 |
RVA23S64 Optional (Expansion) | ||||||
Svadu | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.13 |
Sdtrig | ISA String | NA | TBD |
Ssstrict | ISA String | NA | TBD |
Svvptc | ISA String | NA | COMPLETED |
| Linux-6.14 |
Sspm | ISA String | NA | TBD |