Language Runtimes WG
Language Runtimes WG
- LR_00: Java
- LR_01: Python
- LR_02: Go
- LR_04: .NET
- LR_05: Android Runtime
- LR_06: Javascript
- LR_07: Rust
- LR_08: WebAssembly
Goal: faciliate efforts and communicate the ecosystem's readiness
The scope of the working group is the following:
- The Languages identified to focus by RISE Members - Java (OpenJDK), Go, Python, Android Runtime, .NET Runtime, Javascript (V8 and SpiderMonkey)
- Build and test on RISC-V Hardware
- Accelerate the compilers and runtimes
- Enhance support in the ecosystem
There are already clear, dedicated, and healthy investments from various companies in these projects.
The Language Runtimes WG wants to:
- Help collaboration to avoid duplication of work
- Develop a build/board farm to ease development and debugging
- Communicate on the readiness of the respective ecosystems
Mailing List
, multiple selections available,
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