Firmware WG - Monthly Meetings

Firmware WG - Monthly Meetings

The Firmware Working Group will meet once in a month (First Wednesday at 8AM PST) but encourage members to actively discuss things over the mailing list. There will be separate slide deck for each meeting and a template will be created for the meeting. The members can update the slides if they have an agenda to discuss and notify the group at least a week before the meeting.

Slides: See Monthly Meetings Slides folder

Missing Invites

Login to https://openprofile.dev/my-calendar.

If you have been added to a meeting, you should see this listed. If this is a non-recurring meeting, you'll have to click on Non-Recurring Meetings. E.g.:

You can then click Resend Invite. Check your spam folder if you still don't see it.

If you don't see a meeting, reach out to the LF Product Manager (listed on the RISE Technical Steering Committee page).

Getting Recordings

Login to https://openprofile.dev/my-calendar.

Now click on Past Meetings.

Click the blue recording and transcript icons to get the video and audio transcription, respectively.

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