EDK2_00_02_04 Evaluate with OpenSBI
This file holds the UEFI build and evaluate instructions for RiscV Virt machine including a S-Mode EDK2 firmware and a StandaloneMm firmware which can be taken as a payload of the OpenSBI and run in a domain isolated by using the PMP/sPMP.
We added MM service group in the RPMI spec https://github.com/riscv-non-isa/riscv-rpmi, and evaluted the StandaloneMmPkg proejct based on the RPMI PoC mentioned here https://lists.riscv.org/g/tech-rpmi/message/90.
How to build (Linux Environment)
Create work space
Create a directory that would hold source code of the components.
- EDK2: https://github.com/yli147/edk2/tree/dev-standalonemm-mpxy-v3
- OpenSBI: https://github.com/yli147/opensbi/tree/dev-standalonemm-mpxy-v3
- QMEU: https://github.com/yli147/qemu/tree/dev-standalonemm-mpxy
Manually build
Compile QEMU
git clone https://github.com/yli147/qemu.git -b dev-standalonemm-rpmi
export WORKDIR=`pwd`
cd qemu
./configure --target-list=riscv64-softmmu
make -j $(nproc)
Compile UEFI and StandaloneMM
git clone https://github.com/yli147/edk2.git -b dev-standalonemm-mpxy-v3 edk2-staging
cd edk2-staging
git submodule update --init --recursive --depth=1
. edksetup.sh
make -C BaseTools
export GCC5_RISCV64_PREFIX=/usr/bin/riscv64-linux-gnu-
build -a RISCV64 -t GCC5 -p OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt/RiscVVirtQemu.dsc -b DEBUG -DSECURE_BOOT_ENABLE=TRUE
build -a RISCV64 -t GCC5 -p OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt/RiscVVirtQemuStandaloneMm.dsc -b DEBUG -D FW_BASE_ADDRESS=0x80C00000
cp Build/RiscVVirtQemuStandaloneMm/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/STANDALONE_MM.fd $WORKDIR
Compile OpenSBI
git clone https://github.com/yli147/opensbi.git -b dev-standalonemm-mpxy-v3
cd opensbi
CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- make FW_PIC=n PLATFORM=generic FW_TEXT_START=0x80000000
cp build/platform/generic/firmware/fw_dynamic.elf $WORKDIR
Run the UEFI and StandaloneMm firmware
UEFI and MM Memory layout
UEFI and MM Boot Flow on QEMU
OpenSBI Domain and RPMI SBI Call
Edit the Device Tree
Download this qemu-virt.dts manually and copy to the $WORKDIR, then generate the new dtb file, (ignore the interrupts_extended_property warnings)
dtc -I dts -O dtb -o qemu-virt-new.dtb qemu-virt.dts
Run in QEMU
The EDK2 EFI firmware will be put at 0x20000000 which is the flash0 block in Qemu virt machine, The secure variable storage will be put at 0x22000000 which is the flash1 block in Qemu virt machine.
Create a "run.sh" script with below content, or you can download it here
nc -z 54320 || /usr/bin/gnome-terminal -x ./soc_term.py 54320 & nc -z 54321 || /usr/bin/gnome-terminal -x ./soc_term.py 54321 & while ! nc -z 54320 || ! nc -z 54321; do sleep 1; done ./qemu/build/qemu-system-riscv64 -d guest_errors -D guest_log.txt \ -M virt,pflash0=pflash0,pflash1=pflash1,aia=aplic-imsic,acpi=off,hmat=on,rpmi=on \ -dtb ./qemu-virt-new.dtb \ -m 4G,slots=2,maxmem=8G -object memory-backend-ram,size=2G,id=m0 -object memory-backend-ram,size=2G,id=m1 \ -numa node,nodeid=0,memdev=m0 -numa node,nodeid=1,memdev=m1 -smp 2,sockets=2,maxcpus=2 \ -bios ./fw_dynamic.elf \ -device loader,file=STANDALONE_MM.fd,addr=0x80C00000 \ -blockdev node-name=pflash0,driver=file,read-only=on,filename=./RISCV_VIRT_CODE.fd \ -blockdev node-name=pflash1,driver=file,filename=./RISCV_VIRT_VARS.fd \ -serial tcp:localhost:54320 -serial tcp:localhost:54321 \ -drive file=fat:rw:~/src/fat,id=hd0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0 \ -nographic -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=usernet -netdev user,id=usernet,hostfwd=tcp::9990-:22
Then downlaod the soc_term.py script and run the run.sh script in Linux desktop GUI envrionment shell
wget -c https://github.com/DevendraDevadiga/optee_qemu_armv8a_prebuilt_binaries/raw/main/optee_qemu_armv8a/soc_term.py
truncate -s 32M ./RISCV_VIRT_CODE.fd
truncate -s 32M ./RISCV_VIRT_VARS.fd
chmod a+x soc_term.py
chmod a+x run.sh
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