Project RP001 Accelerate the Go Runtime on RISC-V
Project RP001 Accelerate the Go Runtime on RISC-V
Bidding Starts: Friday, September 22, 2023
Bidding Ends: Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Contract start date:
Implement intrinsics and compiler optimizations outlined in RISE Language Runtimes Projects for Go Runtime
- Complete support for Vector, Compressed, and Bitmanip extension
- Accelerate math/big, math, crypto/md5, crypto/internal/nistec, crypto/internal/edwards25519, crypto/internal/bigmod, internal/bytealg, crypto/aes, crypto/subtle, hash/crc32 using relevant RISC-V extension (lots of Vector, Vector Crypto, Bitmanip, etc.)
- Fix unaligned memory accesses