DP_07_003 - DynamoRIO drcachesim & drcov support
DP_07_003 - DynamoRIO drcachesim & drcov support
DynamoRIO for RISC-V has received preliminary support, but there is still room for improvement.
Project Scope
As of 2023, drcachesim and drcov have only partial support on the RISC-V side. This project plans to add full RISC-V support to these two official tools.
Components and Repos
We submit patches directly to upstream: https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio
Stakeholders and Partners
- External
- DynamoRIO community
Measure of Success
The two tools mentioned above are fully supported.
RISE Requirement
None yet.
More of the functionality of drcachesim and drcov are available now.